Politics Disbursement of public investment must be accelerated: Deputy PM Deputy Prime Minister Hồ Đức Phớc has called on ministries, agencies, and localities to accelerate the disbursement of public investment from now until the year-end and further tighten investment management. 11/15/2024 22:27 | Vietnam news Launch of Agribank Plus Account - Agribank's digital initiative to innovate customer experience 11/03/2024 08:24 | Vietnam Law Draft law allows foreign employees to join Vietnamese trade unions 11/02/2024 07:59 | Vietnam Law Overseas Vietnamese important resource for national development 10/27/2024 10:02 | Vietnam Law 1 VietnamPlus | 07/13/2021 21:43 Bac : tout est prêt pour l’examen national de fin d’études Plus d’un million de lycéens vietnamiens entament ce mardi 27 juin leur examen de fin d’études secondaires. 2 Vietnam news | 07/13/2021 21:26 President Phúc to attend virtual APEC meeting on COVID-19 3 VietnamPlus | 07/13/2021 19:37 越南积极参与普遍定期审议并积极履行可持续发展义务 11月24日,越南外交部与联合国开发计划署驻越南办事处联合在河内举办联合国人权理事会第九轮普遍定期审议(UPR)越南人权审议报告草案磋商研讨会。 4 VietnamPlus | 07/13/2021 19:09 政府副总理陈流光会见万国邮政联盟总干事 11月24日上午,越南政府副总理陈流光会见了来访的万国邮政联盟总干事目时正彦(Masahiko Metoki)。 5 Vietnam news | 07/13/2021 18:55 Australia to donate 1.5 million AstraZeneca vaccine doses President Nguyễn Xuân Phúc thanked the government of Australia for its pledge to send more than 1.5 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccines during a meeting with Australian minister of Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Investment Dan Tehan in Hà Nội on Tuesday. 6 VietnamPlus | 07/13/2021 18:17 President hosts foreign ambassadors President Nguyen Xuan Phuc on July 13 hosted receptions for Ambassadors of Thailand, Chile, Cuba and Russia, who came to present their credentials. 7 Vietnam news | 07/13/2021 16:19 Việt Nam, Australia eye closer ties in economy, trade, investment Deputy Prime Minister Phạm Bình Minh wished that Australia will become one of Việt Nam’s ten largest trade partners and vice versa at a reception for visiting Australian Minister of Trade, Tourism and Investment Dan Tehan in Hà Nội on Tuesday. 8 VietnamPlus | 07/13/2021 16:03 L’oeil de l’UNESCO va scruter le Géoparc mondial UNESCO de Dak Nông Une délégation d’experts pour la réévaluation du Géoparc mondial UNESCO de Dak Nông effectuera des évaluations sur le terrain du 26 au 30 juin 2023. 9 VietnamPlus | 07/13/2021 15:41 Le MoIT signe un protocole d’accord avec le régulateur du marché chinois Le ministère vietnamien de l’Industrie et du Commerce a signé un protocole d’accord sur la coopération avec l’Administration d’État pour la régulation du marché, le principal régulateur du marché chinois. 10 VietnamPlus | 07/13/2021 15:19 加拿大政府助力茶荣省企业实现可持续发展 11月23日,茶荣省人民委员会与加拿大驻越南大使馆联合举行茶荣省中小型企业发展项目总结会议暨加拿大与茶荣省建立合作关系22周年庆典。 11 Vietnam news | 07/13/2021 10:12 Việt Nam eyes stronger cooperation with Hungary Việt Nam treasures and wants to enhance cooperation with Hungary – its first comprehensive partner in Central and Eastern Europe, Chairman of the National Assembly Vương Đình Huệ said on Monday. 12 VietnamPlus | 07/13/2021 10:02 外交部例行记者会:在缅甸的约700名越南公民目前在暂时安全区 11月23日,越南外交部发言人范秋姮在外交部例行记者会上回答了记者关于在缅越南公民保护工作情况的提问。 13 Vietnam news | 07/13/2021 09:47 Việt Nam wants access to Israel's surplus COVID-19 vaccines: PM Việt Nam and Israel have vowed to boost two-way trade and investment, aiming towards sustainable recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic. 14 VietnamPlus | 07/13/2021 09:18 红十字会与红新月会国际联合会第十一届亚太地区会议在河内落幕 11月23日下午,为期三天的红十字会与红新月会国际联合会第十一届亚太地区会议(AP-11)在河内落下帷幕。 15 VietnamPlus | 07/12/2021 21:53 APEC 2023:为越美两国企业开启投资机遇的大门 越南国家主席武文赏于11月14日至17日赴美出席2023年亚太经合组织(APEC)领导人会议周及开展双边活动之行留下了许多重要的印记,为两国企业开启投资促进机遇的大门。 16 VietnamPlus | 07/12/2021 21:17 今日越南成品油价格每公升下降超过500越盾 越南工贸部与财政部联合发布通知,从11月23日下午15时起下调成品油价格。 17 Vietnam news | 07/12/2021 20:26 South China Sea disputes must be settled through diplomatic and legal processes: spokesperson Việt Nam’s stance on the settlement of disputes in the East Sea (internationally known as the South China Sea) is clear and consistent, spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lê Thị Thu Hằng said on Monday. 18 VietnamPlus | 07/12/2021 19:38 阮富仲总书记新书:把握机遇 胜利落实越共十三大决议 《全国上下一心,众志成城,乘势而上,克服一切困难和挑战,坚定信心,胜利落实越共十三大决议》一书共500多页,精选了阮富仲总书记38篇具有代表性的文章和重要讲话,体现了越共中央委员会和政治局在部署和实施国家总体政治任务以及各地各领域的战略性、全方位指导的重大方向。 19 VietnamPlus | 07/12/2021 19:12 越南专家提议禁止电子烟在越南流通 11月23日,越南信息与传媒部同卫生部烟草危害预防和控制基金会在胡志明市联合举行了提升烟草危害防治宣传工作能力培训会。 20 VietnamPlus | 07/12/2021 18:13 Approbation d’un plan pour remédier aux conséquences des bombes et des mines Le Premier ministre Pham Minh Chinh a signé la décision approuvant le plan de mise en œuvre du programme d'action pour surmonter les conséquences des bombes et des mines laissées par la guerre. 712 713 714 715 716