Tobacco causes health burden of over 4 billion USD a year: minister

  • Health Minister Dao Hong Lan and delegates join a cycling tour to respond to the World No Tobacco Day. Photo by courtesy/VNA
    Health Minister Dao Hong Lan and delegates join a cycling tour to respond to the World No Tobacco Day. Photo by courtesy/VNA
  • Health Minister Dao Hong Lan speaks at the meeting. Photo by courtesy/VNA
    Health Minister Dao Hong Lan speaks at the meeting. Photo by courtesy/VNA
Tobacco is a burden on society with a total cost of medical examination, treatment, illness, and death of 108 trillion VND (4.24 billion USD) a year, Health Minister Dao Hong Lan told a meeting in Hanoi on May 26 to respond to World No Tobacco Day 2024 (May 31) and National No-Tobacco Week from May 25-31. VNA

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