Hue Imperial Citadel - the hidden gem of Vietnam traditional culture

  • Photo: Hue Imperial City glows at night. VNA Photo: Hồ Cầu
    Photo: Hue Imperial City glows at night. VNA Photo: Hồ Cầu
  • Photo: Cuu Dinh (literally nine cauldrons) are made of bronze and placed at The Mieu, an ancestral temple during the Nguyen Dynasty. Each cauldron represents an emperor of the dynasty and has 18 different engravings. VNA Photo: Minh Đức
    Photo: Cuu Dinh (literally nine cauldrons) are made of bronze and placed at The Mieu, an ancestral temple during the Nguyen Dynasty. Each cauldron represents an emperor of the dynasty and has 18 different engravings. VNA Photo: Minh Đức
  • Photo: Hue Imperial City is glowing in the night. VNA Photo: Hồ Cầu
    Photo: Hue Imperial City is glowing in the night. VNA Photo: Hồ Cầu
  • Photo: Ceramic engraved with poem and drawings at Dien Thai Hoa (Hall of Supreme Harmony). Each drawing corresponds to a word in the poem. VNA Photo: Minh Đức
    Photo: Ceramic engraved with poem and drawings at Dien Thai Hoa (Hall of Supreme Harmony). Each drawing corresponds to a word in the poem. VNA Photo: Minh Đức
  • Photo: Cuu Dinh (literally nine cauldrons) are made of bronze and placed at The Mieu, an ancestral temple during the Nguyen Dynasty. Each cauldron represents an emperor of the dynasty and has 18 different engravings. VNA Photo: Minh Đức
    Photo: Cuu Dinh (literally nine cauldrons) are made of bronze and placed at The Mieu, an ancestral temple during the Nguyen Dynasty. Each cauldron represents an emperor of the dynasty and has 18 different engravings. VNA Photo: Minh Đức
  • Photo: Khai Dinh Tomb, the resting place of the 12th Emperor of Nguyen Dynasty - Khai Dinh, is located outside of Hue Imperial City. VNA Photo: Minh Đức
    Photo: Khai Dinh Tomb, the resting place of the 12th Emperor of Nguyen Dynasty - Khai Dinh, is located outside of Hue Imperial City. VNA Photo: Minh Đức
  • Photo: A view of Ngo Mon (Meridian) Gate. VNA Photo: Minh Đức
    Photo: A view of Ngo Mon (Meridian) Gate. VNA Photo: Minh Đức
  • Photo: A re-enactment of the worship ceremony to heaven and earth of Nguyen Dynasty, which was carried out by the Dynasty' Emperors in the past. VNA Photo: Anh Tuấn
    Photo: A re-enactment of the worship ceremony to heaven and earth of Nguyen Dynasty, which was carried out by the Dynasty' Emperors in the past. VNA Photo: Anh Tuấn
  • Photo: A view of Dien Thai Hoa (Hall of Supreme Harmony), one of the outer courts of Hue Imperial City. VNA Photo: Minh Đức
    Photo: A view of Dien Thai Hoa (Hall of Supreme Harmony), one of the outer courts of Hue Imperial City. VNA Photo: Minh Đức
  • Photo: Khai Dinh Tomb, the resting place of the 12th Emperor of Nguyen Dynasty - Khai Dinh, is located outside of Hue Imperial City. VNA Photo: Minh Đức
    Photo: Khai Dinh Tomb, the resting place of the 12th Emperor of Nguyen Dynasty - Khai Dinh, is located outside of Hue Imperial City. VNA Photo: Minh Đức
The central city of Hue was the capital of Vietnam for nearly four centuries (1558-1945), lasting from the Nguyen Lords through Tay Son Dynasty, and finally 13 reigns of Nguyen Dynasty. Hue Imperial Citadel still preserves both tangible and intangible cultural heritages which represent the quintessence of Vietnam that was refined and gathered in Hue through different monarchies. In addition, Hue is blessed with the natural, romantic and beautiful Huong River (Perfume River), making the central city an attractive destination for Vietnamese culture enthusiasts. VNA Photo

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