Politics Mass mobilisation must prioritise citizens’ interests: Party chief Party General Secretary Tô Lâm highlighted the need to expand outreach beyond traditional physical spaces into the digital realm, leveraging e-government platforms and digital citizenship to meet public needs. 11/18/2024 21:34 | Vietnam news Ninh Bình seeks to connect with Armenia’s historical, heritage urban areas 11/18/2024 16:10 | Vietnam news Party chief hosts top Cuban legislator 11/03/2024 09:03 | Vietnam Law Draft law allows foreign employees to join Vietnamese trade unions 11/02/2024 07:59 | Vietnam Law 1 Vietnam news | 06/14/2021 19:55 France to help VN secure COVID-19 vaccines France is to provide support to Viet Nam in its efforts to secure much needed COVID-19 vaccines, French Prime Minister Jean Castex told his Vietnamese counterpart Phạm Minh Chính in a phone call yesterday. 2 Vietnam news | 06/14/2021 19:55 Party leader in talks with Sri Lankan president Việt Nam and Sri Lanka have agreed to continue building stronger bilateral ties as both countries recover from the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. 3 VietnamPlus | 06/14/2021 19:41 亚太地区各家通讯社加强合作打击假新闻 10月23日,亚洲-太平洋通讯社组织(简称亚通组织-OANA)执行委员会第51次会议在土耳其伊斯坦布尔举行,亚通组织执行委员会的14家成员通讯社的29名代表与会。越通社社长武越庄代表越通社出席会议并在第二场讨论会上发表讲话。 4 VietnamPlus | 06/14/2021 19:07 10月24日上午越南国内市场黄金价格从7100万盾的高位回落 10月24日上午,越南国内市场金价从7100万越盾一两回落。 5 VietnamPlus | 06/14/2021 17:43 《胡志明故事》一书:阮爱国领袖宝贵资料的重要补充 越南真理国家政治出版社刚刚推出由翻译家阮海横和杨忠勇从中文翻译成越南文的《胡志明的故事》一书。 6 Vietnam news | 06/14/2021 15:32 NA Standing Committee convenes 57th meeting The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee on Monday morning convened its 57th meeting, chaired by NA Chairman Vương Đình Huệ. 7 Vietnam news | 06/14/2021 14:17 NA Chairman urges stepping up vaccine strategy National Assembly Chairman Vương Đình Huệ has urged stepping up the vaccine strategy with a specific roadmap and measures to achieve herd immunity, thus laying an important foundation to catch up with the global economy. 8 VietnamPlus | 06/14/2021 14:00 2023年前9个月胡志明市侨汇收入超过2022年全年 2023年初至今,尽管世界经济面临诸多困难和挑战,但胡志明市侨汇收入依然稳步增长。值得注意的是,前9个月胡志明市的侨汇收入大幅增长,超过了2022年全年。 9 VietnamPlus | 06/14/2021 09:48 10月23日15时起越南国内油价每公升上涨400越盾以上 越南工贸部与财政部联合发布通知,从10月23日15时起上调汽油价格。具体的是,E5 RON92汽油价格每公升上涨458越盾,但不高于22365越盾;RON95-III汽油价格每公升上涨469越盾,但不高于23513越盾。 10 VietnamPlus | 06/13/2021 19:10 九龙江三角洲努力发展生态旅游 打造特色旅游产品 后江省文化体育与旅游厅副厅长阮氏理表示,今后,该省旅游业将充分挖掘各地美食文化,打造美食特色品牌,提高服务质量,完善产品和服务供应链。 11 Vietnam news | 06/13/2021 09:34 President Hồ Chí Minh’s thought, morality, lifestyle are precious assets: Party chief President Hồ Chí Minh’s thought, morality, and lifestyle are precious spiritual assets of the Vietnamese Party and people, illuminating the revolutionary cause, leading to the victory of the Vietnamese revolution. 12 VietnamPlus | 06/12/2021 17:46 ☕️越通社新闻下午茶(2023.10.22) 越通社新闻下午茶为您梳理今日主要资讯,每天一分钟,知晓天下事! 13 VietnamPlus | 06/12/2021 14:53 越南积极参加世界投资论坛的各场讨论会 联合国贸易和发展会议(UNCTAD)自10月16日至20日在阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE)阿布扎比(Abu Dhabi)举行世界投资论坛(WIF),就发展中国家面临的投资挑战进行讨论。 14 VietnamPlus | 06/12/2021 10:34 Contributing to strengthening people's trust in Party, State, regime The Secretariat of the Party Central Committee on June 12 held an online conference reviewing the five-year implementation of directives and conclusions of the Politburo of tenures on implementing the directive on continuing to promote the study and following of Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style. 15 Vietnam news | 06/12/2021 07:00 Party chief praises efforts of those fighting pandemic Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng has praised those fighting the COVID-19 pandemic for their solidarity. 16 VietnamPlus | 06/11/2021 20:26 后江省旅游美食文化周将于12月29日举行 后江省人民委员会副主席阮文和在18日举行的会议上表示,后江省旅游美食文化周将于2023年12月29日至2024年1月2日在渭清市举行,旨在充分挖掘当地文化、历史、美食、土特产和旅游潜力。这是庆祝后江省成立20周年(2004年1月1日至2024年1月1日)的重要活动之一。 17 VietnamPlus | 06/11/2021 19:48 越南企业参加2023年香港国际玩具及礼品展暨亚洲赠品及家居用品展 约有60家越南手工艺品和纪念品生产经营企业参加在香港会展中心举行的2023年中国香港国际玩具及礼品展暨亚洲赠品及家居用品展(MEGA Show Hong Kong 2023)。这是越南企业宣传推广越南品牌形象,介绍越南优质手工艺品、礼品、玩具、家居用品,以及介绍越南企业的发展潜力和优势的良好机会。 18 VietnamPlus | 06/11/2021 19:05 Vietnamese, Russian defence ministers hold phone talks Minister of Defence Sen. Lieut. Gen. Phan Van Giang held a phone discussion on June 11 with Russian Minister of Defence Gen. Sergey Kuzhugetovich Shoygu. 19 VietnamPlus | 06/11/2021 15:39 Party chief calls for extra efforts to combat COVID-19 Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong requested the entire political system to pay highest attention to COVID-19 prevention and control in the spirit of “fighting the pandemic like fighting the enemy” while chairing a Politburo meeting on this work in Hanoi on June 11. 20 VietnamPlus | 06/11/2021 14:18 印尼连续41个月保持贸易顺差 印度尼西亚自2020年5月以来连续41个月保持贸易顺差地位。2023年9月该国对美国、中国和菲律宾的贸易顺差额最大。 726 727 728 729 730